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Cactus Cat NZ

Mirror's Edge Catalyst

Mirror's Edge Catalyst

Regular price $19.90 NZD
Regular price Sale price $19.90 NZD
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  • Experience fluid, first-person combat- Get your hearts pumping with fast-paced first-person navigation and combat. With incredible freedom of movement and martial arts abilities at your fingertips, you'll have just as much fun exploring the world as you will when you take out your enemies.
  • Explore every inch of a vast city- Run free in the city of Glass at your own pace and unlock its many districts however you want, as you play. What secrets are to be found atop the tallest skyscrapers? What goes on behind the glittering facades? And what does the abandoned tunnels below the city hold in store?
  • Witness the rise of Faith- Peek behind the curtain of Faiths past. Learn more about her upbringing in a totalitarian society and how she came to join an outsider group called the Runners. Then, experience her journey for yourself as she stands up against oppression.
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